Rave Master is a manga series created by Hiro Mashima. If the name Rave Master doesn't seem familiar, then you might know the series by its other names of Groove Adventure Rave or just plain RAVE. In addition to the manga, there is also an anime series. It's currently airing on the newly (and unfortunately) renamed Syfy's AniMonday block.
One of the things I like about Mashima's artwork/character design is how the main character looks bright, ambitious, and happy. The main character of Rave Master (as well as the main character of Fairy Tail, the series Mashima created after Rave Master) just looks like he'd be fun to be around. That's something that you can't say for every shonen manga main character.
If you're interested in checking out the original manga, it was released in America (at least) by Tokyopop.
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