Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Poll -- The Next Bonus Archive

There's a new poll on the site regarding the next Bonus Archive. For those of you who may not visit the site, Bonus Archives are extra collections of pics linked on the site for a limited time.

I had a few ideas for the next one but I couldn't make up my mind. So, I decided to make a poll. Here are the choices in more detail:

High-Resolution Versions of 10 Previously Posted Pictures: 90% of the pics posted here are shrunk down to be more palatable for the web. This Bonus Archive would be a collection of 10 pics posted on the site in their full-sized glory. Regardless of whether or not this wins the poll, this archive will probably go up eventually. If you have suggestions for what pics to use, let me know.

All Un-Archived Code Geass pics: Of the five Code Geass-only posts, only one of them has an archive. This Bonus Archive would have all the pics from the other four posts.

Unposted Pics Considered For Misfits #5: When I initially compiled the pics for the fifth Misfits post, I came up with over 20 images. I had to bring that number down to an easier to handle amount but that left quite a few nice pics I didn't end up posting. This Bonus Archive would be a collection of those pics.

Screenshot Collection From The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest: In the spirit of the Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes and Interstella 5555 archives comes this one. I bought the first volume of season one of this show a while back. I was going to do a post about it but I decided against it. In lieu of that post, this Bonus Archive would be a collection of screenshots made by yours truly from my DVD set.

Something Else (Comment In Shoutbox): If you have any other suggestions, let me know in the shoutbox.

The original poll end date is too soon, so I'm going to reset it to end June 12th.

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