Thursday, February 28, 2008

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

The Final Fantasy games are known for their hot guys. Each game from VII on has had a very attractive protagonist (XI is sort of excluded because it's an MMO).

This is the first of what will probably be several posts devoted to the guys of Final Fantasy. I'm beginning with artwork from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Some artwork courtesy of Kawaii Art Zone.


  1. Damn that's some beautiful art. And some beautiful boys. Thanks for sharing the pretty. :)

  2. Do you look at anime men cause you cant get real men? No no its ok, its ok its ok, no no dont be sad, a lot of ugly teens with glasses,braces,pimples,freckles,flat chests, and wheelchairs look at this type of men... Nah its just you.

  3. What a strange comment.
    I have non of the things stated and also look at anime guys...hell I even make my own bishie art and sell it.
    This person does no harm whatsoever.
    Go bother people who are really harmful to the world or are you not MAN enough to do that?

    Pretty easy huh, to yell ugly things at someone who does no harm?
    I really do not understand what you tried to accomplish here...

    Do you rant here because you don't have the guts to talk to folks in their faces?
    Oh no, don't be sad.
    There are a lot of other people in this world who like to belittle, molest and insult just because they feel like it...
    Nah it's just you!

    You really need to go back to school to learn about spelling and writing.
