Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Banner

The reign of HFG's first banner has ended and it's time for a new one.  This month's winner is Ravenfear who sent not one or two but four awesome banners for the contest.

It was tough but I like the way the guy is lying on his side in the one I chose:


This banner looks to have Dark from DNAngel in the background and a guy drawn by Mikiyo Tsuda/Taishi Zaou in the foreground.

If you want to see your banner on the site, check out this post and send me your submissions.  April's not that far away! 

Here are the other three banners Ravenfear sent.  What do you think?  Did I pick the right one? 


1 comment:

  1. the one you chose was the best for sure ^^
    the second one I prefer is the last one with the blond guy ^^

    I hope I will have time to sent youa banner for next month ^^

    see ya
